A. 21 CFR 114.80(a) Quality Control Procedures spells out requirements under the acidifed foods regulation. Outside of that general FDA good manufacturing practices does not permit "adulterated" foods.  Spoiled foods are considered adulterated and would require a recall.

Here's what is said in RFSC LLC process letters:
Operators must employ appropriate quality control procedures to ensure that finished foods do not present a health hazard. It is recommended that such quality control procedures include:

  • developing and implementing a written plan to systematically investigate manufactured lots for signs of spoilage; 
  • promptly and thoroughly investigating the cause of any spoilage; 
  • promptly taking corrective actions if spoilage occurs, and 
  • documenting any investigation and corrective actions relevant to spoilage.  

Without antifungal use, it is recommended to notify consumers that they should refrigerate acid(ified) foods after opening. To inhibit yeast and mold spoilage –optionally (but highly recommended) add antifungals as follows: (0.1% sodium benzoate w/w if pH < 3.8 or 0.05% w/w each sodium benzoate AND potassium sorbate if pH ≥ 3.8.

SHELF LIFE | A thermally processed hermetically sealed container following the guidelines written in a process letter has an unlimited safety shelf life provided the container remains hermetically sealed.  The label shelf life recommended would be based on quality or “best if used by” as determined for each product by the processor.


Hermetic means sealed such that microorganisms cannot enter.