GUIDANCE: The most important factor is that the pH of your product absolutely MUST be pH ≤ 4.6 AND most published scientific data on thermal processing essentially require one of the following:
Hot fill Hold
- pH 4.2 to 4.5 requires a thermal process approximately 200°F for 30 minutes (typically these foods are cooked in batch for this time and then bottled as in item number 2.).
- pH ≤ 4.1 requires a thermal process of approximately 180°F for 1 -3 minutes
Cold fill hold
- pH ≤ 3.8 with 0-20% mustard flour and ≥1.0% acetic acid may be cold filled provided its held at room temperature for 7 days before sale (mustard only)
- pH ≤ 3.8 with 1.5% acetic acid AND 0.1% sodium benzoate may be cold filled provided its held at room temperature for 7 days before its sale
- pH ≤ 3.3 may be cold filled provided its held at room temperature for 7 days before sale (most references are based on acetic acid)(Acids other than acetic acid may require a challenge study $$$$).
- Without any science-based evidence for the destruction of pathogens of concern, a challenge study will be required ($$$$).
- You cannot cold fill anything pH > 3.8 regardless of the formulation.
- Expect a higher and longer thermal process for foods between pH 4.11 and 4.5.
- There are currently no scientific studies permitting canning foods pH > 4.5 without using a pressure or low acid thermal process (temperatures approx 230-240°F).
- The RFSC LLC does NOT do low acid canning process letters, no exceptions
- When cold filling you MUST address spoilage. You should either prove via lab studies ($$) spoilage doesn’t occur or use preservatives (e.g. sodium benzoate and/or potassium sorbate).